+421 940 608 327 arpis@arpisltd.com

Personal data protection policy



Administrator contact details:

Title: ARPIS, p. r. about.

Registered office address: Velkomoravska 1176/62, 911 05 Trencin, Slovakia

ICO: 532 011 59

DIC: 2121302359

IC VAT: SK2121302359

Email: arpis@arpisltd.com

Phone: +421 940 608 327


We process your personal data in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Personal Data Protection”). The security of your data and its legal processing is of primary importance to us. Here you will learn how we process your personal data and how we achieve their security.

  1. Concepts

Data subject: Natural person (consumer and self-employed person) to whom personal data refer (hereinafter also “You” or “customer”);

Personal Data: Any information about an identified or identifiable customer; an identifiable customer is a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to a certain identifier, for example name, identification number, location data, network identifier or to one or more special elements of physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person (hereinafter also “data” or “information”);

Administrator: The entity that determines the purpose and means of personal data processing, implements the processing and is responsible for it. The administrator of personal data is ARPIS s.r.o. (hereinafter also “we”);

Processor: Entity that, on the basis of the law or on behalf of the administrator, processes personal data for the administrator, based on a contract on the processing of personal data (hereinafter also “business partner” or “partner”);

Website: Website available at www.arpisltd.com

Purpose of personal data processing: The reason why personal data is processed. Such a reason can be e.g. managing user accounts, fulfilling contracts, sending informational newsletters or displaying advertisements based on customer interests;

Cookies: Short text files stored by your web or mobile browser. Most cookie files contain a unique identifier, the so-called Cookie ID. This is a string of characters assigned by websites and servers to the browser that saved the cookie. This allows websites and servers to distinguish and identify individual browsers. Cookies are used to improve the functioning of websites, to evaluate their traffic and for the purpose of better targeting of marketing activities. If you browse our website, we assume that you agree to the use of these files.

Third countries: countries outside the European Economic Area, which primarily includes the member states of the European Union and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

  1. What personal data is processed?

We and our contractual processors process the following personal data, respectively categories of personal data, in connection with the relevant legal title and purpose of processing:

  1. identification and address data: e.g. name, surname, delivery or other contact address, registered office, ID number, VAT number;
  2. electronic contact data: e.g. telephone number, e-mail address;
  3. other electronic data: IP address, cookies;
  4. other personal data: typically data provided by the customer in the contact form or in other documents and when communicating with us, including later updates.
  5. What is the origin of personal data?

We process the personal data that you provide to us, e.g. when ordering our services, registering a user account, communicating with us or signing up for newsletters. It is mainly about

  • identification and address data;
  • electronic contact data;
  • other personal data associated with the contractual relationship.

And further data that we obtain automatically based on the fact that you browse our websites. These are mostly:

  • other electronic data:

about cookies

o the website from which you came to our website;

o IP address;

o date of access and time of access;

o search queries;

o http and https response code;

o information about the browser and the operating system of the computer.

  1. Why are personal data processed?

Your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • communication with customers within pre-contractual relations, e.g. via contact form or chat;
  • performance of the contract concluded through our online store;
  • user account management on the website;
  • publishing customer reviews;
  • displaying advertisements based on your interests;
  • sending informational newsletters and offering our products or services;
  • improving the quality of our products and services, analyzing traffic to our websites and your behavior on the web;
  • protection of our rights, property or safety, or the rights, property or safety of other persons;
  • accounting and tax purposes;
  • fulfillment of other legal obligations.

Your personal data may be processed based on the following legal grounds:

  • fulfillment of pr of primary duty;
  • performance of the contract;
  • legitimate interest of the administrator in sending informational newsletters;
  • consent to sending informational newsletters;
  • consent to the processing of personal data.

The processing of personal data for the purposes of fulfilling the contractual relationship, accounting and tax purposes and the fulfillment of other legal obligations are legal or contractual requirements.

  1. How long are personal data processed?

Your personal data is processed:

  • for the period necessary for the exercise of rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and us and the exercise of claims from these contractual relationships (4 years);
  • for the period necessary to fulfill the legal obligation (accounting documents 5 years, tax documents 10 years);
  • for the duration of our legitimate interest in sending informational newsletters (2 years from the last opening of the informational newsletter);
  • for the duration of your consent (for the longest period of 4 years from its granting, or 4 years from the last order).
  1. To whom are personal data made available?

The following categories of our partners (recipients) may have access to your personal data:

  • Providers of IT services and hosting
  • Providers of analytical services.
  • Advertising service providers.
  • Providers of legal services, lawyers.
  • Providers of printing and postal services.
  • Public administration bodies.
  1. Are personal data sold outside the EU?

The controller intends to sell personal data to a third country (outside the European Economic Area) or to an international organization. Recipients of personal data in third countries are:

  • Partners to whom we provide data for the purpose of analyzing traffic to our websites, your behavior on websites and business conversions.
  • Providers of IT services and hosting, including cloud services.
  • Mailing service providers.
  • Advertising service providers.
  1. How are personal data processed?

Personal data is processed manually and automatically. We keep proper records of all processing activities in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.

You are not the subject of any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which would have legal effects for you or would similarly significantly affect you. We do not create profiles from your personal data for the purpose of analyzing or predicting your preferences, interests, economic situation, reliability, location, or your movements (a typical example of profiling is monitoring the behavior of website visitors in order to track their preferences so that the merchant could approach them in the future with an offer tailored just for them).

  1. How do we ensure the protection of your personal data?

The security of your personal data is of primary importance to us. In order to ensure the protection of your personal data, we have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures. The website is secured with an SSL certificate. The persons who process your personal data have been instructed and bound by confidentiality.

  1. What are the rights of data subjects?

To exercise your rights, contact us via our contact details, which are listed at the beginning of these policies.

In connection with the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights (Articles 15 to 21 GDPR):

  • The right to access personal data.
  • The right to correct inaccurate and supplement incomplete personal data.
  • The right to erasure of personal data.
  • The right to restrict the processing of personal data.
  • The right to data portability.
  • The right to object to processing.
  • The right to information about automated decision-making, including profiling.

If we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time by sending a notification to the email: arpis@arpisltd.com

You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, with headquarters at Hraničná 4826/12, 820 07 Ružinov, phone: 02/323 132 14, web: dataprotection.gov.sk/uoou.

  1. How are cookies processed?

Processed cookie files can be separated according to their validity into:

  • temporary cookies (so-called session cookies), which remain stored in your browser only until you close your browser,
  • permanent cookies (so-called persistent cookies), which remain stored in your browser for a long time until their lifetime expires or until you delete them manually (the storage time of cookies in your browser depends on the settings of the cookie itself and the settings of your browser).

And by functions on:

  • essential, which are necessary for the functionality of our websites,
  • preferential ones that allow our website to remember information that changes how the website behaves or looks (e.g. preferred language or region where you are located), these cookies are not absolutely necessary for the functioning of our website, but increase the functionality and practicality of their use,
  • analytical, which help us analyze your experience on our website (so-called User Experience) and thanks to which we understand how you use our website.
  • advertising that allows you to provide offers or advertisements based on your interests. Cookies used by our service providers: We use Google Adsense cookies to display advertisements that are relevant to you. You can view the privacy policy of this service provider at https://policies.google.com/privacy

Information about how you use this website is shared with Google Analytics. You can view the privacy policy of this service provider at https://policies.google.com/privacy

How to control cookies

You can control or delete cookies at your discretion – see aboutcookies.org for details. You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being stored. However, in this case, you may need to manually adjust some settings each time you visit the website, and some services and features may not work.

How to refuse the use of cookies

The use of cookies can be set using your internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies in the initial settings.

  1. Are data about children also processed?

Our websites are not intended for children under the age of 16. We therefore do not intentionally collect their personal data. If we discover that we have inadvertently obtained personal data about children under 16, we will take steps to delete that data as quickly as possible, except where we are required by applicable law to retain it.

  1. Conclusion

Legal regulations and our business strategy and related methods of processing your personal data may change. If we decide to update this policy, we will post the changes on our website and notify you of the changes. In cases where there is to be a more fundamental change to these principles, or in cases where the law requires us to do so, we will inform you in advance. We ask you to read these policies carefully and in the next communication with us, or users of our website regularly check these policies.


Last update: 25.01.2023